Forest Hills
Forest Hills is conveniently located between Ada and the Gerald R. Ford International Airport and has plenty of options for dining and shopping! Looking to move here or spend a day in Forest Hills? Keep scrolling to explore!
The Local Element of Forest Hills: “Suburban.”
Forest Hills Real Estate Market Update
Making a move to Forest Hills?
Information on Average home sales data in this neighborhood in the last 12 months. Source
Sale Price: $683,567
% of Sales Price vs List Price: 0.42% sold over list price
Bedrooms: 4 beds
Bathrooms: 3 baths
Square Footage: 2,167 sq feet
Price Per Square Foot: $310/sq foot
Number of Days a Home is on the Market: 18
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Forest Hills Schools
Looking to move to Forest Hills and want to learn more about the schools available? Check them out below.
More from Forest Hills School District: “Forest Hills Public Schools is proud of the work we do to prepare learners for life in an evolving and expanding world. We have excellent staff, quality facilities, and a vision for the future of education. Our students’ potential is the key to our future, and we are excited to help unlock that potential.”