living local in West Michigan
Did you know micro-influencers typically get more engagement and marketing performance metrics? Why might this be? Well, micro-influencers are more likely to have strong relationships with their followers. They respond quickly and frequently with personalized responses when their followers reach out.
We can safely say we love supporting all influencers, especially the ones native to our community. It is similar to supporting local businesses right? — We’ve found so many great influencers right here in West Michigan that we think will want to follow. Lifestyle creators, food blogs, and so much more!
Looking to start your journey as an influencer?
It can be scary diving into the world of social media influencing… but we have a few tips and recommendations.
- Create a niche and find your target audience
This is where you decide what type of content you are going to feature. If you are a big foodie who loves trying new places to eat, try a food blog. All the fashionistas should consider doing a try-on haul or outfit of the day look.
- Don’t be afraid to reach out to brands
It never hurts to ask. Worse case they say no, and you move on to the next company. But you might be surprised how many brands are interested in working with you at some level.
- Do what you love
If you are interested in working with a particular company, it is a good idea to grab their attention by going to their business. Follow it up by giving them a shoutout on social media and talking about your experience.
- Video content is where it is at!
Videos are taking over the social media advertising landscape. Especially with the rise of TikTok, and Instagram pushing Reels. Use video when you can on Instagram, but be sure to include a mix of photos as well. As for TikTok, short or long-form videos can perform well, but the algorithm can be a bit more tricky.
—-> Learn more about the tips and tricks for the TikTok algorithm.
Get to Know the Influencers MORE!
Here is a full list of all the influencers and their social media pages!
Paige Comstock • Eating Disorder Recovery Coach | @treadingwithpage

Liz 🍋 The Lemon Bowl® | @thelemonbowl

Kristin Jones, Blogger | @kristinjonesy

Tieka Knight, Blogger | @selectivepotential

Melanie | @blissandvigor

Chef Jenn Struik, MS, RD | @jennywiththegoodeats

GWADUE | @gwadue_

Katie | @whatkatedfinds

Hannah | @tallblonderoastdiaries

Home Mom Garden Blog – Abby | @adventuresinabbyland

Paige Rochefort, Artist | @daydreamsbypaige

Grand Rapids Daily | @grandrapidsdaily

Hungry GR | @hungry_gr

Calli Salazar | @callmecalli

Farah Merhi | @farahjmerhi

DwellGR | @dwell_grandrapids

Samantha Ruth Photography | @samantharuthphotos

Adrian Butler [ AB ] | @abisadrianbutler

Krista Camille 🌎✈️🍴🥾 | @ediblegrandrapids

Sincerely Ashley | @ashleywierenga

Dominique | Life + Style creator | @and_she_loved

“Internet Streets” Strategist | @currentlykherington

Midwest Charm with Anna | Blog | @anna_rittenhouse

Food + Fun for the Grand Rapids Girl | @grand.rapids.girl

Sarah and Leah | @twoscoopsofstyle

HANNAH | self-love + self-care | @hannahjenae

Abstract Artist // Paintings for Interior Designs | @chelseamichalart

Katie Marble | @kosmeticsbykatie
Chloe Vivian Mitchell | @chloemitchell
Say Cheese GR, LLC 🧀 | @saycheesegr
Stephanie, Home Decor | @boxwoodfarmsllc
Emily Joyce | @emilyingrandrapids
Hot Girls Walk Grand Rapids | @hotgirlswalkgr
Stephanie Tew | @realtor.stew (TikTok page)
Hannah | @harmonizedhomemind
Jean Stoffer | @jeanstofferdesign
Samantha Robbins | @samantharobbins.co
Valerie Oresko | @valerieoresko
Hailey | @itsanuphailbattle
BROOKE | BEAUTY CREATOR | @brookewbeauty
katie shaye | @katie.shaye
Boozy Bri & Ken | @boozy_bloggers
jaime | west michigan | @jaimemichelle
Alaina + Jen | @grcoffeeguide
Bianca | size 8 daily outfits | @biancafortneyy
Girls Guide of GR | @girlsguidegr
Arianna Kae | @ariannakae
Do you know any other influencers in the West Michigan area?
Please feel free to DM us on Instagram and send us their profile!